About Us

Welcome to ATS Digital Marketing

We are glad that you decided to visit us seeking to improve your online presence for your business and services. At anytime if you like a live FREE consult, please press button.

Who Are We

We are professionals that take the success and goals of your business and services seriously.

Our Mission

Use knowledge, research, experience, talent, and expertise to grow and improve your business and services.

What We Do

Use our six step process in each project, but the silent seventh step is take action for success.

Why we do it!

ATS Digital Marketing (ATSDM) creator family member has a business which was opened back in 2008, leads and clients were mainly coming from word of mouth. This business needed branding and online presence; without a logo, outdated and plain website, no internet presence, it was hard for this business to grow and get more revenue.

So in 2015, ATSDM took over their Digital Marketing to start creating a brand and online presence, techniques and strategies were used to grow and improve lead generation from organic searches online and sharing useful content with the community. It was only a few months after completing the planning, designing, implementation, and launching that results were clearly visible.

The business increased reach, calls, visits, and presence by 400% getting a great Return On Investment (ROI) and Branding within their local city. 6 months later, the business became authority not just in their local city, but in their whole state.

Then we realized that those same techniques and strategies could be put to use and help other businesses; creating a brand and online presence to grow as a business and attract customers to serve.

ATS Digital Marketing is always working to improve those techniques and strategies to deliver the best and latest to clients and the public.

Each business that seeks our help is another family member to ATS Digital Marketing, our focus and goal is the success of each business as it was our own.
There is nothing more rewarding than to make those services and business known to your community, to see both customer and business built a lasting relationship.

Our take action process



Let us listen to your needs, requirements, and goals. Nothing is too small or not important. Everything you tell us counts.



We take your needs, requirements, and goals to form a plan of action to start the design, implementations, and more important road to success.



Design starts according to approved plan, but making any improvements as work is performed. Nothing should be written on stone, always leaving room for improvement.  



All additional tools are implemented for a full functional project. Each implementation is done according to business and services needs.



Everything is submitted for your review, without your review the project will not be organic to your business or services. It must have your touch.



Once you fully approve for launch, the project comes to live increasing leads and clients as time passes. Road to success.

Why choose us?

With branding, attention catcher, user experience, user interface, and customer increase always on our mind. Colors and shapes also matter, each business is design is according to their expertise.

Waiting to hear back from anyone is stressful, we ensure that you do not get any of that from us. Fast response makes communication easier and fluent, we will always be there for your business.

Each business has a vision and desire in mind depending on their set goal. We take that vision and listen to your goals, then we  implement them in every single project performed for you and your business.

No one better than you and your staff to know your business and services, we take your input and questions seriously. Our focus for our customer service to support the growth of your business and services.

Your investment will be returned to you with all of the work performed for you and your business. Each and every dollar invested is geared to your business and services success.

Years of learning, testing, implementing, and knowledge will be put at your service. Day by day we thrive to stay sharp and informed of changes and we test each change before implementing them for our clients.

You have nothing to lose, it is completely FREE to call!

We are here, waiting for you to take action.

Go ahead and you have nothing to lose, schedule your FREE Consultation and get some useful tips.

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Happy Clients
Lines Of Code
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